Become a partner

Do you and your organization want to collaborate to acknowledge the country's university students and give them a jump-start in their careers?

Why you should be a partner on Specialefestivalen

As a partner of Specialefestivalen, you contribute to the recognition of the research of Danish university students.

You also have the opportunity to gain a unique insight into the sharpest graduates and their latest knowledge.

Become part of a movement that cultivates self-confidence among newly educated professionals and creatives - and where Theses is lifted from an academic contribution to a potential force to catalyse the change in society.


Specialefestivalen skaber et mere frodigt, tværfagligt og institutionelt universitetsmiljø i et uddannelses Danmark.

Hvert år dyrker studerende på landets otte universiteter deres interessefelt og bidrage til at udvikle ny, værdifuld og samfundsrelevant viden og fantasi. Specialerne er én stor videns base, med et potentiale til at gavne samfundet demokratisk, økonomisk, videnskabeligt, kulturelt og socialt.

Som partner har i muligheden for at blive en del af en unik platform, hvor i har mulighed for at gå i direkte dialog med dimittender, samt være afsendere af ny viden.

I 2021 var vi partnere med Aarhus Universitet, DM, Djøf og Akademikernes A-kasse.

Festivalen i 2023 engagerede med succes forskellige partnere, herunder Excelarate, Novozymes A/S, UCHP: Green Solution Centre, CBS Assistant Professor Anders Sevelsted, Roskilde Festival: The Circular Lab, DUF, Do Good Movement-grundlægger Jacob Steinitz, Nordic Women in Tech-grundlægger Plamena Cherneva, Kooperationen, Tænketanken Demokratisk Erhverv, Analyse & Tal, Rethinking Economics, The PARALLEL UNIVERSity, Bespoke Manyone og andre, som bidrog til netværksmuligheder og tilbød skræddersyede præsentationer tilpasset afhandlingstemaer.

Want to know more?

We are always looking for new partnerships that can strengthen the festival's purpose.

Call and have a non-binding chat with our partnership manager, Markus Hansen on 42901747, or send us an inquiry via the form below.

Contact us

Contact us

If you have any questions in general, please contact: