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Become a thesis presenter at Specialefestivalen 2023!

Welcome to Specialefestivalen 2023, where we put academia and societal change side by side! If you are a recent graduate (2021-2023), keep reading!


Benefits as a thesis presenter

As a speaker, you gain access to a unique network of fellow students, experts and potential future employers that can have a significant impact on your career and skills development.

Share your knowledge with the world
As a thesis speaker, we give you a unique voice to fellow students, businesses, community stakeholders and many others. You have the opportunity to share your knowledge, ideas, insights and professional achievements with the world and use your academic knowledge to create real social change.

Strengthen your pitch
As a presenter, we give you free access to a speaker course offered by Røst. Here you have the opportunity to strengthen your pitch, your confidence and your skills in oral communication and public speaking.

The selection process

  • Submit your application
  • Fill out the application form
  • Tell us more about your Thesis and what you hope to achieve as a Thesis Presenter. Find the application form here.
  • By September 1, we will inform all applicants about the status of their applications. We will select a total of 75 presenters to present their Theses for this year's Specialefestivalen.
  • Optional speaker course:If you have been selected as a presenter, you will subsequently receive an invitation to participate in Røst's speaker course.

    You can choose to participate in the course on either September 13 or 15, after which you will receive more details about the time and place of the course.

Timeand place

Specialefestivalen 2023 takes place from October 5 and 6 at Station, Howitzvej 30 in Frederiksberg.

Share themessage!

We encourage you to invite your family and friends to join us to celebrate your Thesis and your achievements at Specialefestivalen 2023.
You can reserve free tickets for family and friends here.

Specialefestivalen 2023 gives you and your fellow graduates the opportunity to share your academic knowledge with the world. Take the stage at this year's festival and meet a host of exciting new graduates, share your knowledge with experts and companies and help create new solutions for a better, sustainable and smarter future.

We look forward to welcoming you as a presenter and celebrating your academic achievements at Specialefestivalen! Fill out the application form here and take your first step towards becoming a thesis presenter at Specialefestivalen 2023.

Contact us at for further questions about the festival and your participation options.

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